A Peconic Appraisals, Inc, Company
New York State-Certified Real Estate Appraisal Services
Manhattan to Montauk and Everything In Between
Often, the ownership of a property isn't as simple as it might seem. A person might own a property outright, by oneself, unencumbered by liens or mortgages, leases or easements. But an individual might also own it as a "joint tenant" with the spouse. The married couple may lease some of the property to another party. They may have signed an agreement to give up rights they have in the property in exchange for cash. There may be a restriction in the deed stipulating that the property must never contain a structure more than two stories in height. There are many ways the 100 percent "bundle" of rights to a parcel of property might be distributed.
Anything less than full ownership called "fee simple" in deeds and conveyances by a single person or entity is a "partial interest." At Park Avenue Appraisals we frequently appraise partial interests. It's a specialty and discipline that takes unique expertise and training, and you can be assured we're well qualified to deliver an opinion of value on a partial interest.
When might you need a partial interest valuation?
In a divorce or dissolution of a partnership proceeding, you might need to fairly value one party's interest in real property. Sometimes, particularly in partnership situations, it's not simply a matter of appraising the entire property and dividing by the number of owners. A fractional share of property may sell at a discount to reflect lack of control, costs of and barriers to sale. You need the judgment of a professional appraiser.
You might need the value of rents or leases on a property, but not the underlying value of the real estate. This is more complicated than it sounds, and isn't just a matter of how much a tenant is currently paying. A professional, well trained appraiser will examine rents in the market to determine fair market value of rents or leases. If tenants are paying below market value, they might be able to sublet at a profit. If paying over market value, there is a likelihood of moving on when the lease term is up increases. There are many things requiring the professional judgment of an appraiser that factor into the calculation.
You might need to know the value of a proposed or existing easement. An easement is a right or interest in another’s property, without owning it. How much is it worth to your neighbor to build a driveway across part of your property for entry to and exit from his property, rather than an alternate route that may be more costly to build?
Because there are so many ways the "bundle" of rights to property can be divvied up, when you order an appraisal you might need a partial interest valuation and not even know it. You should be sure the company you hire is qualified to perform partial interest valuations. At Park Avenue Appraisals, we are qualified to do partial interest appraisals. Browse our website to learn more about our qualifications, expertise and services offered.
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